Defining The Journey
Welcome to a brand new chapter in your life. I am so EXCITED you chose to take on this adventure. After all, it's all about having the most INCREDIBLE life you can design. Yup, I said design because we are the architects of our lives. It's always up to us how we decide to live.
In this course, we will discover the "what happened to your life?" and deal with all the blocks, conversations, excuses, stories and circumstances you have allowed to hinder you from the life you really want. We often don't take the time to reflect on how we got here in life and this is your opportunity to do so. Time for new things.
We will map out all of the areas that you are struggling with, or stagnant in, and set goals to accomplish the results you want to achieve. The end game is TRUE HAPPINESS. For that to happen, you will have to be truly honest with yourself and deal with the mis-truths you have been living in. Taking responsibility for what life is and isn't at this exact moment in time. It will be so freeing when you identify what may have caused some of your breakdowns and to see where you may or may not have contributed to it.
Re-setting your mindset involves 4 simple steps:
1: Where are you currently feeling stuck in your life?
2: What happened to you to? (Getting to the source).
3: Why do you keep perpetuating this? Breaking through the patterns, habits and conditioning that you created to survive your life.
4: How do you go from where you are to where you want to be? Creating a personalized success framework that keeps you on track.
So let's pretend you have a shovel and want to dig up all of the things that you no longer need in your life. That shovel represents your freedom and the life you have always dreamed of. Let's dig deep and get rid of any dis-empowering conversations we tell ourselves on a daily basis. Ownership of what you let stop you is powerful. What's stopping you is you. Cliche, I know, but it is in fact the truth. We stop ourselves daily from acting with our intuition, second guessing daily choices and not trusting that what we are doing is the "right" thing.
By the time you wrap up this course, you will have the tools, self-confidence and daily practices to sustain a life you can't get enough of. You will most likely sleep less because if this newfound zest for life. Not a guarantee but it's usually the outcome I hear from my clients because of their excitement to live every day to the fullest.
Changing your life really is as easy as 4 steps. I have proven it time and time again with my clients.
Now, the prerequisite to this course (if you haven't done it already) is my FREE mini-course Reset Your World.
Reset Your World allows you to 'Spring Clean' your life. Before you create the life you love, you need to remove anything that is toxic in your life to allow positive energy and new people/opportunities in. Please take the time to complete this cleansing of your body, mind and soul before we move forward with re-setting your mindset. Click the link above to complete this mini course before we move forward to Step 1.
My clients who completed this have told me that afterwards they notice new people, new purpose, new energy, a feeling of lightness, appreciation, gratitude, space to breathe and organization that they didn't have before. They see life renewed in a way they haven't before.
That said, let's dive into the deep end and get started. Again, welcome to what's next in the journey of YOU!!
While you are here... I highly recommend joining my private Facebook group "Never Settle." (If you haven't already!!!)
This group is a safe space for current and past students of Shawn Antonio Life Coaching to share wins and positive changes and uplift one another in a loving and supportive community. There is enough negativity and toxicity in the world, so I invite you to be part of a community that celebrates happiness and growth.
CLICK HERE to apply.
I'll also be sharing exclusive content and special offers with my students in this forum.
Stoked to have you.